Why You Should Fire Your Real Estate Agent

"This isn't working out. I think we should break up. But it's really not you...it's me."

"Ok, IT IS you."

Real estate agents are an interesting breed of cat. Unlike doctors or lawyers or engineers and such, most come from other previous professions. It is rare to find someone in real estate that started there right out of school and then retires in that same profession. But this isn't a bad thing. As long as they meet the needs of their customers and come to the table with some expected characteristics. And do the job. Like actually working for their customers. Weird concept, right?

In the world of selling homes, there are good eggs and bad ones. This is the same for any profession. But the stakes are so high that it's paramount that you work with someone who fits the professional bill. You can't simply rely on the fact that someone at church knows this guy that dated a girl who's sister married a guy that just got his license in real estate. Just don't. There needs to be so much more than that. 

In many states, real estate agents (some states call them brokers) are actually licensed by their state as 'Attorneys At Will'. Cutting through that mumbo jumbo means the agent is licensed to negotiate and write contracts on the behalf of their clients. But only to the extent as it is pre-written law and contracts. Mainstream attorneys can make crap up but not us real estate folks. We get stuck using those boring contracts that are waiting in the desk drawer (really the Cloud). So all agents have the same contracts they can use but not all agents are the same. What distinguishes the good, the bad and ugly is the following criteria. Some might say it's required DNA. You might want to take notes. There will be a test. 

Below are some really darn good reasons you should fire your current real estate agent:

Lack of Communication

'THE TOOL' of a real estate professional is their smart phone. So why isn't yours using theirs to communicate with you? I get how we can't ignore one customer we are meeting with currently to answer a call from another but come on!!! You should get a call or text back within the hour. Or sooner. And if your agent has a voicemail message that they only answer their phone from 9-5, run now and find someone that will be available to serve you. We don't work banker's hours. 


Professional doesn't mean stuffy or dressed to the nines. But it also doesn't mean that the first time you meet them they aren't wearing a Nine Inch Nails tee shirt and flip flops. The tee shirt might be cool but not appropriate for earning your confidence. Professional means portraying themselves in a manner you feel your trust is warranted and deserved. Do you feel like this person could represent you in a legal setting? And do you want them to? You should never hear about their drama, their party schedule or how they hate their managing broker. Take a look and a listen and trust your gut.

Lack of Transparency

Everything an agent does for you should be out in the open. There should be no hidden wizard behind the curtain. Does your real estate professional take the time to explain how your process will go?. Have they explained how they will negotiate on your behalf? How about explaining to you how it is they make their money from this transaction? Nothing should be hidden. If you get any push back in this area, prepare their Pink Slip. 

No Empathy

Does your agent make you feel like they understand how this deal affects you? Have they taken the time to ask what you need and what you want? Any and every deal can be tough on the agent but their job is to make it look easy while making you feel like your concerns and worries are taken into consideration. The agent's ego needs to be checked at the door. Listen to me. Listen. To. Me!

Not Authentic

Have you ever met someone and you just feel slimy talking to them? Or you meet someone and in the first 5 minutes you get the impression this person is as phony as a $3 bill? This is not the feeling you should get from your agent. Do they look you in the eye when they speak to you? You need to get the feeling this person does what they say they do and for the right reasons. Genuine should be a word you can use to describe your agent. 

Won't Do The 'Hard Work'

Part of the reason some real estate agents give the rest of us a bad rap is because they are lazy. Harsh but true. Not all, certainly. And not most. But it's like any other profession that a few bad apples making a really crappy tasting pie for the rest of us. Your agent needs to be able to give you the data and info about what you are trying to do. Research isn't always fun (I guess some weirdos might disagree) but it is a necessary part of serving the client. But the right agent knows this and is willing to put in the time. Ask your pro how they will research for you.

Not A Clue About Marketing

We live in a much different real estate world now than days gone by. There was a time when an agent would list your home, write an ad for a once a month magazine and put up a sign in front of your home. Now a days a good agent has to be an expert marketer to rise above the clutter to give you the selling advantage in the digital world. Facebook, Instagram, online tours and literally dozens of other sites (including Zillow, Redfin, Realtor.com) These are just a few of the options that should be working for you. Is your agent doing this for you?

Their Way or The High Way

The agent is the knowledgeable professional but ultimately they work for you. If you two disagree with the direction you want to take, both sides should explain their rationale. But if you are still at loggerheads and your agent isn't listening, say bye bye. 

Bottom Line

Everyone has heard it before that buying and selling a home IS probably your biggest purchase EVER. You need to work with a real estate professional that is just that...professional. Take your time. Ask the right questions. And if your mother-in-law recommends someone for you to work with, interview that person before you choose to work with them. 

Then be sure to thank your mother-in-law. You will make points. You're welcome.

Scott's Advice'

If an agent is worth their salt they will be more than happy to be interviewed before you choose to work with them. Use the criteria I listed to ask questions how this agent will do their job for you. Listen to how they answer. Watch their body language. Ask questions about marketing knowledge and how they will research for you. But don't just work with someone because of someone else's recommendation. And don't be afraid to fire an agent you are currently working with who is giving the rest of us a bad name. 

Then call and lets set up an interview me. I'll always look you in the eye. 

Scott C. Dickinson is a real estate broker who lives in beautiful Vancouver, WA but helps others with their real estate needs all over the US. He can be reached by email at
ScottYourBroker@gmail.com or call him at 360-518-7197.
Check him out online at linktr.ee/yourbrokerscott
