You Have To Do These 5 Things Before You Move!
Ignore These Priorities At Your Own Risk
My wife and I just moved in the house we have always wanted to live in. While we were super excited about getting into our planned 'forever' home I dreaded the idea of moving. But as hard and ugly as moving is, a good plan can make life easier. But there are a few things that should be on high your move in plan.
Change The Locks
During the listing time period you have no idea who had access to keys. Just because the listing agent says they are handing over all the keys someone out there might still have a key to where you and your family now live. Do you really want to take that chance? This can be a simple DIY project or not real expensive to call a locksmith.Steam Clean The Carpets
You want you and your family to be able to lay on the carpet of your new home and not worry about how clean it really is. Remember, this house was just on the market and many people you don't know just toured it. Take the time to steam clean the carpets and better yet, do it before you move in. Once again, do it yourself or hire it out.Call An Exterminator
Is there anything creepier than knowing there might be creep crawlers waiting to share your new home with you? It doesn't matter if it looks clean, let's make sure. This is job that is best done by an professional but if you insist on doing it yourself, check out YouTube for best practices.
Super Clean The Kitchen
If there was anything the previous owners would skip as they were getting ready to leave the house it would be thoroughly cleaning the kitchen. This is where you store the items you will put in your mouth. Take the time before you fill up the kitchen to clean it well. Clean the frig, oven, cupboards and floors, etc. like your grandmother was watching you. You won't regret it.
Find The Utility Shut-Off's
Imagine you are laying in bed in the middle of the night in your new home and you hear the sounds of water running. You jump up and realize a pipe has broke in the wall and water is flooding your new house. Hurry, where is the water shut-off? You don't know when you are going to need this information but chances are you will. Find there the water, gas, electrical panel shut-off's are. And while you are at it, figure out where you cable comes into the house and if you have a sewer clean out and where it is. If you don't know, contact your real estate agent and have them find out through the previous home owners. You are more likely to get this info now than somewhere down the road.
There is so much to do when moving into a new home. Be sure to take enough time to do the right things now so you can really enjoy the comforts of your purchase.
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