5 Money Saving Green Upgrades For Your Home

Going Green Is Cool But So Is Saving Money!

The environment may love you for going green but for me the biggest reason can also be to save money. These types of upgrades will impress your Left-leaning friends with your ecology and your Conservative friends will love your fiscal responsibility. 

Image result for solar panelsSolar Panels

The upfront cost is big, but the long-term savings are huge. Solar panels will cost several thousands of dollars to install but on-going maintenance costs are very low, and a typical system will save you hundreds a year. There some tax benefits still available for going solar and you may even be able to sell your surplus back to your electricity provider.

Image result for wood burning furnace

Wood Furnace

Wood-burning furnaces are relatively inexpensive and even though the yearly savings aren't huge they do add up in the long run. 

Bonus: The smell of wood burning.

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There is a very good chance your insulation is not efficient and especially if you live in an older home. Look into installing floor, cavity, wall and loft insulation to save on your heating and cooling bills.

Image result for rain barrel

Rain Barrels

Barrels that collect your rain are extremely inexpensive and can provide gallons of free water for washing your car, home or landscaping and gardening uses.

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Geothermal System

A Geo Thermal system uses the earth to heat and cool your home. At first, the $30,000 price tag should scare you but there are significant tax breaks available to where you will get most of that money back. And the energy savings average is around $1900 annually. If you will be in your home for the next 10 years give it a serious look. 

We should all do our part in making this world a little better but going Green can save you lots of green dollar bills. 

Scott C. Dickinson is a real estate broker that resides in Vancouver, WA. He can be reached by email at ScottYourBroker@gmail.com or www.scottdickinsonauthor.com.
Follow him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/YourBrokerScott or on Instagram at www.instagram/YourBrokerScott.

